
Left to right:
Mary Jane (me) at age 7;
Karla at 20 months old;
Dad at age 27;
LeRoy (between parents) age 2 1/2;
Mom at age 24;
and Jeff almost 2 months old.




A Mother's Reflections
by my youngest brother, Darryl (or just click on his link below with the rest of my favorite blogs). Enjoy his slightly eccentric outlook on life, photos of his family in Missouri, and now even his drawings from his younger days.
Speaking of drawings, I have started a second blog where I plan to archive my own old art work from, oh, so very long ago! If you are interested in amateur art, please drop in at
A link to my new art blog is also provided below. I have lots of art to scan into my computer, so I plan to add sketches every week or so.
Okay, let's review: I now have a blog (or two); LeRoy's wife Lori has a blog; Jeff's wife Dana has a blog; Darryl has a blog. Isn't there still a sibling missing? Oh yeah, Karla, that would be YOU! Why don't you just submit to the inevitable and jump on the band wagon with the rest of us? We miss you!
When our local police department stated that the Shop with a Cop program had insufficient funds to operate this year, our principal Mr. Ball issued a challenge to the district. Thanks to the generosity of students and staff, by 2:00 that same afternoon he was able to hand the police more than $1,400!
A week later we learned that the police department used that money to take 219 children from our district to shop for a Christmas present!
Next, the student body was invited to "can" the assistant principal in charge of discipline, Mr. Clark, by loading his office up with so many canned goods that he'd be unable to get to his desk! The kids with disciplinary issues loved the idea of an assistant principal who couldn't drag them into his office. They very nearly succeeded with 1,748 cans!
Many teachers become very competitive, adopting military names and plotting stealth bombing runs. Gloating emails to rival classes run rampant. Our class was Carter's Covert Commandoes and we did a pretty good job of flying under the radar. We only got bombed once! Our other troops (classes on our team) weren't so lucky.
I never got to share our Thanksgiving, so I thought I'd do that now. The day began with a gentle snowfall, second of the season, which left us with about an inch of snow.
Here are Dylan (blue jacket) and his friend Eric tasting the snow on the fence. Didn't they pay attention to the flagpole scene in A Christmas Story?!