I still can't get my mind around the fact that my baby girl is a college student! Wasn't it just a few months ago that I was cuddling my firstborn in my arms and vowing to protect her from every hard thing in the world?
Here she is at age 5 in front of DeNeil Olson's kindergarten class on August 17, 1995. Mrs. Olson was young, patient, and nice, and Sarah had no trouble adjusting to school.
After we dropped off Sarah, I took Jacob over to the Toddlin' Jackets preschool and took his picture on the front steps. His was my second first-day picture, although he'd actually started at the preschool several months earlier.

Then came 1st grade on Sept 9, 1996. It was the year school started late due to extensive remodeling throughout the district.
This is Sarah, age 6, at Brenda Penrod's classroom. Brenda had been teaching for many years and Sarah did well with her. Jacob was also in Mrs. Penrod's class 2 years later.

Aug 14, 1997: 7-year-old Sarah begins 2nd grade with Zita Seballos Semingson. This was a very exciting year for Sarah because she had a brand new baby brother. Dylan was 7 weeks old when school started.
That was also when I went back to work, leaving my 44-day-old infant with a sitter. I cried all the way to work. Which may explain why Sarah's hair was so wild on the first day of school!
We love Mrs. Trainor, who lives just around the corner from us. Dylan was in her 3rd grade class 8 years later!

Blue Ridge Elementary School ended at 3rd grade back in those days. Students moved on to grades 4, 5, and 6 at the nearby Mid School. The change could be a bit frightening, as Sarah's expression here attests!
This was Kay Locke, 9-year-old Sarah's 4th grade teacher, on Aug. 12, 1999. Kay is one of the most amazing teachers I've ever met. Jacob was in her class 2 years later, and soon afterward Kay retired. (I don't think Jacob drove her to retirement, though!)
August 24, 2000: Sarah, age 10, begins 5th grade with Lisa Gray, a first-year teacher who gave up a career as a police officer to become a teacher.
Sarah had a special connection with Mrs. Gray and they stayed in touch for awhile. The following year Mrs. Gray and her husband, a DPS officer, moved to Australia for a year on some sort of exchange program for law enforcement.
I'm not sure what happened with the shot below. Since I had a regular camera in those days, I didn't know the picture was bad until it was developed.
I'm not sure what happened with the shot below. Since I had a regular camera in those days, I didn't know the picture was bad until it was developed.
Thank goodness for today's digital cameras!
Anyway, you can almost see 11-year-old Sarah in front of the classroom of her 6th grade teacher, Denise Thomas, on Aug 20, 2001. Sarah grew up a lot in Denise's class.
Again, Jacob was in Mrs. Thomas's class 2 years later.
Originally I had intended to continue first-day photographs until my kids all graduated from high school. However, without a specific classroom to pose them in front of, it became a bit trickier.
*I did take pictures in front of the junior high school while Sarah was in 7th and 8th grade, but by the time Jacob reached 7th grade I gave it up. The junior high's school hours were the same as mine at the high school, and my first-day-of-school duties as a teacher made it hard to continue the tradition.
At left, 12-year-old Sarah on Aug 15, 2002, her first day as a 7th grader.

And here we have Sarah at age 13 as an 8th grade student on Aug 14, 2003. (The first of many photos taken with my first digital camera!)
At left, 12-year-old Sarah on Aug 15, 2002, her first day as a 7th grader.

And here we have Sarah at age 13 as an 8th grade student on Aug 14, 2003. (The first of many photos taken with my first digital camera!)
She certainly blossomed into a young lady during the year she turned 13, didn't she!
And so Sarah has traveled a long road to reach the life she has today as a college student. I'm so proud of the choices she has made along the way. I know she'll accomplish great things as she continues toward the goals she has set for herself.
*And so Sarah has traveled a long road to reach the life she has today as a college student. I'm so proud of the choices she has made along the way. I know she'll accomplish great things as she continues toward the goals she has set for herself.
Sarah, you go girl!