Sunday, January 25, 2009

First Challenge

This week was challenging with little reward, but I still feel I was successful in my efforts to get healthy.
Over the 3-day weekend I lost 1.8 lbs, but over Tuesday and Wednesday I gained 2 back! I hoped it was just temporary PMS bloat (I can't believe I still have to deal with that at age 54!), but I was most distraught!
On Monday I had faced down my first big challenge.
Sarah, Dylan and I went to see Bedtime Stories, but I was prepared: I took along a delicious Ross Dark Chocolate bar (sugar-free) so I could resist the theater popcorn. Oddly enough, I'm not that fond of popcorn, yet it somehow smells so much more delicious in a theater!
I topped it off with a diet soda and made it through the movie without weakening.
When we got home, I ate some roast beef au jus before we headed over to Callie's big birthday bash.
It's a good thing I did, because that helped me withstand the temptation of corn dogs, tater tots, pink jello, Capri Sun, ice cream, and especially that gorgeous birthday cake. Did I mention that the cake had a particularly yummy-looking lemon cream filling? Ahhh, so very tempting! But I stood strong!
By Thursday morning, though, I was thinking defeatist thoughts: "Just give up, you'll never lose all that weight." That small weight gain had really hit me hard.
Then the Love Cart came along...
Once a month Student Council rolls a cart around campus, stopping by each classroom to treat high school staff to 2 choices from the cart: sodas, chips, candies, Ding Dongs, you name it. It's their way to show appreciation.
I wavered. I wavered hard. Then I said no thanks and suggested they stock some healthier items like nuts.
How did I do it? Was I picturing my new slender figure? Was I imagining fashionable new clothes? Was I thinking of my health? Goodness, no!

Only one thing could get me through this crisis: my commitment to document both my successes and my failures in this blog! I couldn't bear the thought of confessing that I'd given up.
So I stuck with it, and now 1.8 of the 2 lb gain is gone again. It turned out that it was just PMS bloat after all.
Now I know this little experiment is working, so I'm going to keep at it. Thanks for sticking with me for the long haul!
Added to the weight loss from weeks 1-2, I'm now 12.7 lbs lighter. Not as much as I'd hoped, but nothing to sniff at!
That's Mary: 1, Junk Food: 0!


LORI said...


L3TitBL33D said...

Kickin' the HABIT sucks...... But remember 'Eat2Live, Don't Live2Eat" I think u told me that years ago! Anyway your rockin' it....

Unknown said...

I agree with Darryl, actually my parents taught us the same thing growing up. Way to go! I am up 2 pounds, but you are still inspiring me to do something about it!

Unknown said...

You are right, that tray of candy on the principals desk is very tempting...I was in his office for an hour with it looking at me, I thought if Mary can do this so can I!