Saturday, May 9, 2009

Spring Showcase

The middle school held its annual Spring Showcase of student work on Thursday. I love to see my children's accomplishments, so we never miss it!
This was Dylan's multi-media report on the State of Missouri. He even received a letter from the state's governor. He did a great job and got an "A"! Dylan chose Missouri because we'll be there this summer, and his Uncle Darryl and Aunt Tamera live there.
Now he's an expert on Missouri, telling us all the places we should see while there. He especially wants to see the St. Louis Gateway Arch on the Mississippi River.
Here he is pointing to his artwork, a colorful sand painting. As a fundraiser for the art class, the students were selling off their own work. I paid $2.00 for Dylan's piece (all I had in my wallet) and he proudly put his "Sold" sign on it.
I told him he should be proud of himself. For all the artwork I've produced in my lifetime, I've never sold even one piece so far!
Dylan had Scouts that same evening, after which we hurried over to the high school to watch the high school theater production of Into the Woods.
Dylan really wanted to see the play because his Big Sister Chanda was appearing in it, as well as some other high school kids he's friendly with, Nick and Bryce.
This is Chanda as Red Riding Hood, being followed by the Big Bad Wolf. She was so cute in her part, and the play was very fun.
Today was another busy day. Dylan had a Little League game this morning (the season took over our lives a month ago), and Jacob had his own event at the high school at the same time.
SADD Club had a booth at the community safety fair put on by state, county, and local law enforcement and various other groups. That's Jacob behind the red paper.
This is Jacob with Desiree, another member of SADD, giving each other a hard time. Desiree's mother is a local radio personality, and she did a broadcast from the event today. Desiree and Jacob got to put in a word for SADD.
The safety fair had information on everything from drugs to child safety seats. They also allowed people to participate in and observe the training of police dogs. One of the most popular activities was driving a golf cart through an obstacle course while wearing "drunk goggles," which distort the drivers perception like alcohol does. It made for some creative driving!
After Dylan's game we headed over to Jacob's event so Dylan could check it out. He immediately made a beeline for his favorite display, the med-evac helicopter!
Children were allowed to get inside the different law enforcement vehicles, but Dylan only had eyes for the big yellow helicopter. Jacob said when it landed, it nearly blew everyone's booths out of the parking lot!
What a thrill to get to sit in the cockpit! Dylan said he felt like he was so high up that he could see everywhere. I told him to imagine what he could see from up in the air!
Now Dylan is thinking he might like to become a helicopter pilot like his cousin Jeremy, who is a med-evac helicopter pilot in Prescott, AZ. It's his dream job.
The day ended with Sarah going to the play, Into the Woods, with her friend Emmi; me going to see the new Star Trek film (very exciting for an old Trekker like me) with my sister-in-law Dana; and my boys riding a borrowed quad at the jumps near our home all evening.
It was a lovely, full day for one very tired family!
Goodnight, all! Sweet dreams!

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