Still, sometimes I miss the days when they were small and I had them at home with me most of the time. When we sat together most nights, watching videos, playing games, cuddling, tickling, teasing.
Today was one of those days where we barely saw each other. It actually began last night, when Dylan went on an overnight campout at Los Burros with his Scout troop and Jacob stayed the night at his friend Kyle's house.
Dylan spent this morning on a 20-mile biking adventure, while Jacob worked for a neighbor. When Dylan returned at 3pm, he immediately left to spend the rest of the day at his friend Eric's house.
I LOVED it! I'm a huge fan of disaster movies, science fiction, and special effects, and this film satisfied my desire for excitement and escapism perfectly. Nonstop action! Throughout the movie I found myself holding my breath, every muscle tensed. I had to keep reminding myself to relax.
Critics have claimed that the special effects are great (they are) but that the plot is weak. I have to disagree. I think the characters are well-developed and the story is complex enough to stand strong in the midst of sweeping destruction and mind-boggling special effects.
The tale springs from the fact that the Mayan calendar--which has been remarkably accurate for thousands of years--ends on December 21, 2012. Some believe it means the world will end by some horrible catastrophe at that time.
What do you think?
I think you can only fit so much calendar onto one rock! I do believe we are living in the "last days," but I'm afraid we'll bring about our own destruction. The wheels are already in motion...
We saw Jacob briefly before he took off again with a big group of friends. They were heading to a friend's house to do some "turkey bowling." I've never done it myself, but I guess it involves hurling a frozen turkey down the lane toward 10 soda bottles. Sounds like good times!
That's the kind of day it has been, fun and busy but not much together time. But that's okay. My kids are involved in worthwhile activities with good friends.
And maybe this is nature's way of cutting the apron strings, of preparing me for that empty nest that's approaching far too quickly.
Meanwhile, I will cherish every remaining moment we spend under the same roof!
1 comment:
very useful article. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did you guys know that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.
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