Friday, January 31, 2014

The Sweetest Gift

I found the nicest surprise while I was getting ready for work this morning. I was looking in my jewelry box to choose earrings for today, when I noticed a little white box on the dresser, open, with a pair of teardrop-amethyst earrings inside. I wondered if Shera had left them there, or maybe Jacob had gotten them for his girlfriend. Then I saw the note under the box.

I picked up the note and started reading, and soon tears were pouring down my face. I had to fix my makeup before I could leave for work!

You see, the other day I was concerned about a situation Jacob had chosen to be part of. Nothing terrible, but as a mom who envisions all the horrible things that might happen, I gave him the dreaded, guilt-provoking "It's your decision but..." lecture that makes all adult children cringe. "Oh, be wise, my son," I quoted. In the end, he decided to take himself out of the situation.

The next morning I felt like I'd come on a little too strong. I felt bad about it, so before I went to work I left Jacob a note. I told him that I love his good heart and his trusting spirit, and I am so proud of the man he is becoming. Then I reminded him that, as human beings, we all have weaknesses that will be tried if we place ourselves in situations Satan can use against us. I do trust you, I said, but I know personally how it feels to carry the burden of regret for most of a lifetime. I don't want that for my children. 

Jacob is not one who enjoys putting pen to paper, but this note was a full page, closely written, and every word touched my heart. I will share only the beginning here, but his entire message was deeply endearing.

After I read it, I went in and woke him up to give him a hug. I told him he doesn't need to give me presents, but I do love the earrings. I will treasure them always, but even more so I will cherish his letter forever. The earrings were a sweet gift. His message was even sweeter.

But the sweetest gift of all is the privilege of having three amazing children who call me "Mom."