
A Mother's Reflections
As a teenager almost 6 years older than Karla, I had little time for my tag-along sister, so she was stuck with all boys, who liked to make her laugh till she wet her pants or hide under her bed and giggle when she changed clothes. I'm amazed she doesn't have Post-Traumatic Stress!
Below is a pic of our winning FEA chapter, with their wonderful sponsor, Mrs. Schindler.
On my drive home from school today I listened to Jacob on the radio at 101.7 FM! He was doing an announcement for SADD Club, and he'll be doing another on Monday morning for another radio station, either 95.7 or 96.5, he's not sure which.
He said it was a lot scarier than he expected. At one point he forgot what he was going to say. Cute!
FEA sponsored a highly successful blood drive on Wednesday. They hoped to collect 45 pints of blood, and they ended up with 58! Jacob planned to give a pint (he donated at their last blood drive), but he ended up in the nurse's office when he kicked a door and painfully jammed his toes.
Since I couldn't get a picture of Jacob's donation, I sneaked up on Wyndie while she donated instead!
Here are the last of my Easter photos that I meant to post several days ago.
Dylan announced that he's too old now to color Easter eggs (he's 11), so he went to a friend's house. Guess what they did there: they colored Easter eggs!
Jacob left for the stake dance, so Sarah dyed the eggs all by herself on Saturday night. The tradition lives on!
Look what the Easter Bunny brought! Here is Dylan with his basket of goodies, which were totally devoured by Sunday afternoon.
I'm not sure how the tradition began, but long ago the Easter Bunny started bringing videos (and now DVDs) to my children. The kids always look forward to seeing what new movies will be joining our ridiculously large collection.
Every summer at our yard sale we sell off any old videos the kids no longer watch, usually for $2 to $5 each. It's our little way of spreading the joy!
I think one of the hardest things about watching my children grow up is letting go of some of the traditions that used to light up their little faces, like Easter egg hunts and dying eggs and anxiously waiting for the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus.
I comfort myself that someday I will get to relive the joy of bright eyes wide with wonder when I have grandchildren. I can't wait!
Here we have Jacob with his Easter haul. I don't think his candy lasted much longer than Dylan's!
*Lastly we have Sarah and her Easter basket. She actually saved some of her candy, but one of her brothers (I'm not pointing fingers) found her stash and made off with it.
In my general conference post on April 5, I briefly mentioned the Easter message shared by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, one of the Apostles who lead our church. I didn't go into detail because I knew I couldn't do the message justice. Not even close.
To hear the message in Elder Holland's own words and voice, click on the link below. Images have been added to this clip, but the retelling of the ancient story is powerfully touching. It's about 4 minutes long.
Dylan never liked the Easter egg hunt, even when he was small. I practically had to force him to pick up an egg just so I could take a picture of him participating.
Wyndie's husband Eugene does these Easter games every year for his business, A-Alarm Lock & Key. His sons and Dylan helped run the booths.
Besides the egg hunt, the event also includes an egg decorating contest, a hike around the lake, pictures with the Easter Bunny, and a huge raffle. That's my kids' favorite part. We usually come home with at least two stuffed-toy bunnies.
No one stayed for a raffle today. After the egg hunt was over, a new storm system came in and heavier snow started to fall. The temperature was 36 degrees. Sarah, silly girl, didn't wear a jacket and her arms turned blue. My fingers started going numb with cold.
Before we left, though, we took a quick hike down to Woodland Lake. The snow was falling pretty heavily by then, but I love the lake. It has a nice 1.5 mile trail all the way around it. We didn't attempt the trail today, of course!
Here's another view of our beautiful little lake. That lone dead tree rising from the water has been the nesting place for a local eagle for many years.
Here's a blast from the past: 30 March 1991. Sarah was 17 months old and Jacob was due in just 3 months.
The following year we had an extremely cold spring and Woodland Lake was frozen solid. I remember standing at the edge of the lake, holding 9-month-old Jacob in my arms and nearly having a heart attack as Mark walked with Sarah out to the middle of the lake. I was terrified that the ice would break and my 2-year-old darling would fall through! Fortunately, they made it back to shore safely.
Here is Sarah with her dad, meeting the Easter Bunny. She loved animals and had no fear of them, not even giant-sized ones in costumes, even as a small tot!
That same Easter Bunny still arrives on a big red fire truck each year to thrill the children and pose for pictures!
Ah, good memories! May you all be blessed with happy Easter memories of your families and friends this weekend!
Have a happy Easter!