Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Weekend

Last weekend was a busy one for our family.  It began on Friday, of course, with the exciting arrival of Jacob's call to the California Santa Rosa Mission.  Then after dinner Ed and I enjoyed a pleasant evening together at a reception for a newlywed couple, Dick and Karen Stewart.  Dick is an eighty-something gentleman (who could easily pass for sixty-five) in our ward whose sweet wife Velma passed away last year.  We immediately liked his new wife and we're so thrilled for them both.  As Ed and I know, it's never too late to find love! 

Eric, Dylan (standing), and twins Adam and David at the bonfire

Ed had promised Dylan and some of his friends that they could have a bonfire on Friday night, so as soon as we returned from the reception they lit up the pile of flammable trash Ed and the boys had gathered during their clean-up of the yard and sheds.  (Cheaper to burn it than haul it to the dump.)

Diego chases and eats the falling sparks and ash.

The trash pile made a beautiful bonfire and we gathered around it, enjoying the warmth on a cool autumn night, for more than an hour.  Even our dog Diego had a great time.  He was fascinated with the showers of sparks floating in the sky around him and chased down as many as he could.

Dylan and his friends had a good time following one of my favorite old childhood pursuits, tree climbing.  They spent a good while in the branches of one of the old oak trees near the fire.

Dylan, age 13, gets comfy on a branch.  I'm not sure I'd trust it!

It was quite late when Ed finally sent the boys home and put out the flames.  It was such a hot fire, it was still smoking and sizzling the next morning!

Ed checks out the merchandise.

On Saturday we got up early enough to listen to the first session of General Conference, and then we jumped in the car and headed to a gun show in Hon-Dah, on the nearby Apache reservation.

Jacob and Ed admire some rifles.

Jacob joined us.  Hunting and shooting have never been a part of my children's lives, so my sons are fascinated with Ed's collection of firearms and his hunting tales.  Jacob asked a lot of questions at the gun show and learned a lot from Ed.  In coming years, I expect Dylan will become Ed's hunting partner and get educated about survival and self-reliance.

As for me, I'm not too interested in guns or hunting, although I'm happy to eat my share of elk or venison, and Ed plans to teach me to enjoy shooting a gun someday.  (We'll see...)  I only went along to the gun show so I could spend some time with my husband.

A few of the vendors sold other items alongside the guns and ammo, such as coins and jewelry.  At one point I admired a beautiful necklace with blue stones wrapped in thin curls of silver wire, telling Jacob I thought that was the prettiest necklace in the collection, before we walked on to the next booth.

After we returned home and prepared lunch while listening to the afternoon session of conference, Jacob mentioned that he'd thought about buying that necklace for me (he often does things like that).  Standing over a pan on the stove, I said over my shoulder, "That's okay, I'd rather you put your money away for your mission." 

Just then, Ed's hand appeared from behind me, holding out a small white box.  "You mean, this necklace?" he asked.  He had bought the necklace for me, the one I'm wearing in the photo above.  Do I have the sweetest husband or what?   

Clouds Ed and I saw in today's sky as we drove home from WalMart.
Can you see the cow on the right and the sheep on the left?

Last weekend was full and fun, but it's nothing compared to what Ed and I have planned for the upcoming, long weekend.  Tomorrow my students have their midterm exams since it's the final day of the first quarter of the school year.  Then we get to enjoy a four-day weekend, known as Fall Break, before we begin the second half of the semester.  Boy, do I need a break! 

Ed and I are using Fall Break to make yet another trip to Colorado and Wyoming.  Are we crazy?  Maybe, but there are still things he needs to take care of there.  Since tomorrow is a half-day at school, we hope to be on the road by 2pm and arrive at his mom's house in northern Colorado by 4am.  Ed will drive; I will sleep!

Sarah, Jacob, and Dylan are happy to keep the home fires burning in our absence, and I look forward to four full days alone with my hubby.  I will, of course, take loads of pictures and blog our trip after our return next week.  Stay tuned! 


Scott and Genevieve said...

Tell Jacob congrats on the mission call! We are so excited for him! It seems like it has been forever since we have seen you guys. We still haven't even met Ed. It sounds like you all had a nice weekend.

Grandma Honey said...

Can I just say that your husband spoils you? But it does my heart good to know that because you deserve it!

Looking forward to trip pictures...