Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Apples Are Blushing

Our little apples are starting to take on a red blush!
August 21, 2016

The other day I glanced out the front window, curious about how our tiny green apples were doing, and I noticed there were pale red patches peeking out from among the green leaves. I wanted to go have a closer look but, as usual, the busy activities of life intruded on my immediate plans. Thus, it wasn't until this morning that I went out to have a closer look. Sure enough, our little apples are taking on a fine blush here and there.

A nice, healthy cluster of apples!

The apples our tree first produced, unexpectedly, five years ago mostly ended up rotting in the grass because I hadn't known it was an apple tree. Nonetheless, we were able to rescue a few and give them a try. As I remember them, they were quite sweet and tasty despite their small size. This year, I expect to harvest and enjoy many more of these little gems!

Blue Ridge High School as seen from the air around 6:00 a.m.
August 10, 2016

And here's a bonus photo, captured from the sky by Chris Paxman. Chris is a photographer with his own studio, as well as the photography teacher at our high school, who inspired Dylan in his quest to ultimately become a professional photographer himself. (And Chris is also my doctor's son. That's small-town life for you.) 

It's a great shot of our whole, widespread campus, including the soccer, football, and baseball fields. My classroom is located in the East Campus, the big building at the front on the right side, where the English and social studies classes are located, along with art and two science classrooms. This picture also captures a great slice of our mountain beyond the campus, the beautiful evergreen-carpeted place we call home!

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