Thursday, September 5, 2019

Major Milestone

Birthday cards for my 65th birthday. I love getting cards!

Most people I know would rather ignore a milestone birthday like their 65th, and possibly even pretend it never happened. My philosophy has always been that I'm going to be a year older whether I acknowledge my birthday or not, so I might as well celebrate, eat cake and ice cream, and gratefully accept lovely well-wishes, cards, and gifts from the people who care about me!

This year, there's a little more to it than simply that sentiment, though. Even more to it than the fact that I'm now eligible to be on a Medicare Advantage plan and save more than $750 per month in insurance costs. You see, I've become aware that it's a real privilege to be sixty-five years old. While it's true that reaching this age hasn't been a smooth ride, and "gettin' old ain't fer sissies," not everyone gets to enjoy this milestone.

My own mother died seventeen years ago, on April 7, 2002 . . . exactly 25 weeks (less than six months) before her 65th birthday. I remember thinking about that back on March 10th, on the day that was exactly 25 weeks before my own 65th birthday, and being hit with the realization of how young my mom really was when she passed away. So I am truly grateful to still be here, healthy and active and privileged to continue to be a presence in my children's lives.

August 29, 2019: Lunch at Mr. Zeke's with my good friend Debbie.

There are so many great people in my life, from my children and their dad, to my siblings and extended family, to wonderful friends, all of whom enrich my world. I received dozens of phone calls (my sister-in-law Dana leading a chorus of nieces singing "Happy Birthday, Aunt Mary" was a definite highlight), texts, Facebook messages, and birthday posts, and each one truly made my day brighter.

The celebrating actually began a few days before my birthday, on Thursday, when my long-time friend Debbie brought me two handmade gifts and took me out to lunch at a relatively new restaurant in our area.  Although Debbie and her husband live in the Valley, they come up to their summer home each year from about late May to late September, and Debbie makes sure we get together a few times every summer.

Beautiful birthday presents from friends.

Debbie made the floral pouch and the fabric-enhanced plate in the above photo. I love them both! The texture of the feather-patterned cloth on the underside of the clear plate just fascinates my fingers, speaking to my tactile-kinesthetic side. The little purse is both pretty and practical, a winning combination for me!

While we visited over lunch, Debbie commented on a small cell phone purse she'd made and how handy it was on a recent cruise. In turn, I mentioned a small backpack I'd bought to carry bare necessities (and ditch my heavy purse) while visiting places like the Renaissance Festival, Las Vegas, and Disneyland. Suddenly, inspiration struck! The new pouch would be perfect to hold small items (lip gloss, credit cards, driver license, etc.) to keep them safe but easy to grab in the bottom of the backpack!

Now, imagine my happy surprise after I got home from lunch, pulled out the backpack, and saw what a perfect match it was to my new pouch (see photo below): both have black backgrounds, green foliage, and pink flowers! Debbie didn't even know how insightful she was in her fabric selections!

They match!

On the day following my lunch with Debbie, I came home from shopping to find a dozen perfect orange roses lying on a table on my porch, a birthday gift from another great friend, Wyndie. The flowers even had that tangy-sweet natural rose scent. I immediately got them into a vase, and I've been enjoying them every day since.

A dozen lovely orange roses were left on the front porch.

The morning of my actual birthday, the First of September, began early with a 6:00 rain shower, which poured down heavily for 15-20 minutes. Early-morning rain is a rarity during monsoon season (when frequent rainstorms occur almost exclusively in the afternoon), and I couldn't help feeling it was a blessing God had sent to favor my birthday with an overwhelming sense of peace and, yes, even joy. I love all types of weather, but rain is one of my top three best-loved (snowfall and lightning storms being second and third). Only steady rain and gently falling snow can fill me with such tranquility.

My annual birthday selfie, a practice I started on my 60th birthday.

After the cleansing rain had finished, I got myself ready for church, then paused to sit in front of the dining room window and take my annual birthday selfie. Yep, right there in the harsh morning light. I'd never taken a selfie before my 60th birthday. I don't remember where we were going, but on my birthday five years ago I was in the car with my son Dylan. Just out of curiosity, I tried out the whole selfie thing, and it was kind of silly-fun . . . although it still feels awkward, trying to fake a natural smile toward an inanimate phone, thinking how foolish I must look. Anyway, it turned out okay, so I've been doing selfies ever since, on my birthdays and on vacations.

Sarah's specialty, her own version of Mexican chicken casserole, was such a
huge hit that this was all that was left of two pans by the end of the evening!

Since Dylan didn't get off work until 7:00, I had the rest of the day after church to relax. I didn't even have to plan or prepare dinner, since Sarah had asked if she could bring us her famous Mexican chicken casserole for dinner. As if she ever has to ask! She and Chris came over around 6:30 and, while she put the pre-made casseroles in the oven, I got the homemade strawberry ice cream ready to go. Soon, Mark had the ice cream freezer going, and it was steadily humming along when Dylan and Jake arrived a few minutes after 7:00.

While we waited for dinner to finish baking, we had a surprise visit from my sweet friend Karen, her husband Joshua, and their youngest son, Spencer, who was in town from college, visiting his parents for the day. We had a short but delightful visit, while Dylan and Spencer got caught up. They were good friends in high school, and they reminisced about the hours and hours they used to spend holed up in "the man cave" (Dylan's bedroom, now my den) playing video games.

September 1, 2019: Opening cards and gifts on my 65th birthday.

Finally, dinner was ready. Sarah and I had planned to make a salad to go with the casserole, but then we decided there was no sense filling up on too much healthy dinner, when so soon after eating it we'd be wanting to fill up on desserts. Nonetheless, despite the fact that Sarah had made two baking dishes of her casserole for just six people, both dishes were very nearly polished off by the end of the evening. It was delicious. Obviously.

A card from Sarah and Chris. Dylan was our photographer.

We just sat and visited for a while after dinner, until Dylan asked, "Is it time to open presents?" So I handed him the camera, someone else handed me the cards and packages, and I plunged in.

Opening Sarah's gift: a Willow Tree figurine for my collection.

Sarah and Chris gave me a new figurine for my Willow Tree collection. This one is called "Butterfly." On the card it reads: "Resilient, determined, courageous and beautiful . . . You have the qualities to transform your world."

Isn't she beautiful? This one is called "Butterfly."

It goes beyond coincidence and into mystic wonders that Sarah chose this particular figurine. Back in May, during my kidney stone issues, I'd wandered into the hospital gift shop to kill some time while waiting for an x-ray. There was a display of Willow Tree figures on a shelf, and I'd been especially drawn to this specific one. In fact, I'd picked it up and commented to the saleslady on how much I liked it. My daughter knows me too well! 

I love how she leans forward, as if to catch the wind.

Dylan got me set up with Photoshop on my computer, which I haven't the slightest idea of how to even begin to use, but he now owes me a crash course in the basics. I'm excited to learn how to utilize it for various projects.

This was my favorite book when I was eleven, in 6th grade (1965-66)!

A week later, Dylan and Jake came over and surprised me with a belated birthday present that Jake had ordered online and finally received. I was stunned when I opened the package (in Star Wars wrapping paper, haha) to find a copy a book called Shadow Castle, which happened to be my absolute favorite in sixth grade. I was deeply touched by Jake's thoughtfulness in choosing this particular gift for me.

At least six months earlier, Jake and I had reminisced about how we'd each learned to love reading when we were young. For me, it was inspired by my sixth-grade teacher, Mrs. Staub, who read classic children's books (Winnie the Pooh, The Secret Garden, etc.) to our class and truly brought them to life in my mind. My mom never read to us, but she also loved reading and filled our house with books. She allowed me to order from the monthly Arrow Book Club, and I soon had my own little library, including Shadow Castle. I kept that tattered old book for years, but somewhere along the way it disappeared.

I'm so amazed that Jake even recalled that conversation, let alone searched online for a book that I loved 54 years ago, so he could order it for me. Such a sweet thing to do!

Jacob just started a new job so money is tight, although thankfully he didn't fall behind on his bills during the interim. He was unable to join us for our birthday dinner, but he sent me a birthday post on Facebook, and then he called me during our little family party that evening. Connecting with my kids is always a gift.

A practical gift from Mark, and a great idea!

Mark's gift didn't arrive until two days after the party, but it's an awesome product. He'd seen it advertised on television and remembered the website to order from. There's a narrow opening in the dashboard of my car that was a perfect little niche in which to stash my cell phone while driving, back when I had a smaller phone. However, since I upgraded to a newer, larger cell more than a year ago, this phone protrudes farther from the slot and slides all over the place when I make a turn. Sometimes it slides out of its niche altogether and falls to the floor.

This little doodad fits into a cup holder in the center console, and now my phone slides right down into the adjustable slot, held securely in place in whatever position I choose. I don't make calls or text while I drive, but when the phone rings I do want to know who's calling. Then I can determine whether it's imperative to pull over and answer right away, or whether it'll wait until I reach my destination. This way I can know with just a quick glance, hands free. Very useful!

Homemade sugar-free cheesecake with raspberries and chocolate chips.

After the cards and presents were opened, it was time for dessert. I'd baked a cheesecake the previous night, so it was ready to go. All I had to do after church was make and spread the sour cream topping and then dot it with raspberries and sugar-free chocolate chips.

Homemade sugar-free strawberry ice cream, ready to eat. Yum!

Along with the cheesecake, we enjoyed some delicious homemade ice cream. I'm not that big on store-bought ice creams, but I truly crave the homemade variety! It's only 4.5 carbs per half-cup (does anyone ever really eat just a half-cup serving of ice cream?), but it's probably a good thing that we only make homemade ice cream two or three times every summer!

It really was a special day, filled with laughter and warmth and family and friends. There is absolutely no better way to turn 65!

Is there anything more scrumptious than this?

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