Tuesday, December 3, 2019

David Archuleta in Show Low

David Archuleta and Sarah Kinsky, together again!
December 2, 2019

Last night, David Archuleta gave a concert here in Show Low, which is about a 15-minute drive from our Lakeside homes. It was his first time to perform this close to where we live, but it was Sarah's and my fifth time to attend one of his concerts. A little history...

1. March 25, 2016 in Queen Creek, AZ: Our first David Archuleta concert was exciting for our family (except Jacob, who was living in Utah then). We'd all been fans since David's American Idol days. Several of my nieces and nephews were also there that night. We sat near the front, but at that time we were just faces in the crowd.

2. June 23, 2017 in Snowflake, AZ: This was the day we met David in person during a small Dinner-with-David event prior to his concert in another small town located about 30 minutes away from us. He and Sarah really connected that day, partly over their shared love of music (he was impressed that she plays violin with our local symphony orchestra). After the concert ended, we were unexpectedly invited backstage, where we enjoyed talking more with David, and where the infamous "watch me nay-nay" incident occurred, leading to David talking to Dylan on the phone and then recording a personal video message to Dylan. No doubt that's what made us memorable!

3. April 14, 2018 in Mesa, AZ: Four months before this concert, we had run into David's manager Kara at a Nathan Pacheco Christmas concert in Snowflake. She'd recognized us and assured us that David hadn't forgotten our meeting, but by now it had been almost ten months. Sure enough, David immediately recognized us during the meet-and-greet sound check before this concert. He called to us from the stage, "Hey, I know you two!" When we posed for photos, he took a little extra time with us, and even asked Sarah if she still performed with the symphony orchestra. He remembered!

4. December 6, 2018 in Mesa, AZ: This was Jacob's first Archuleta concert. He and Mark joined us, and this time we didn't do the meet-and-greet. Our seats were at the far end of the third row, and that end of the stage was blocked by equipment and the bass player, so we doubted David would even know we were there. However, by some miracle, he saw us! His eyes locked on Sarah, and he got that "I know you!" smile and sang straight at her for at least 30 seconds. Jacob looked at me, wide-eyed, and whispered, "He's singing to Sarah!" And it didn't end there. For the last song, David squeezed between the bassist and speakers to stand right in front of us. He sang directly to Sarah and gave her a little wave with that twinkle in his eye. (Our row was several seats longer than the first two rows, so there were no seats between us and the stage, plus behind us was only an empty aisle. People were craning their necks to see who this girl was that David had singled out.) When the concert ended, after he'd touched the hands of fans lining the stage, David stopped in front of us and cried, "Hey, Sarah! I'm so happy to see you!" before hugging her and spending a few extra moments with her.

Sarah and her friend Emmi do a selfie before the meet-and-greet begins.

And then there was last night. We bought the meet-and-greet tickets again, this time for Sarah, Jacob, Mark, and myself (Dylan decided not to spend the extra money). We met outside the Show Low High School auditorium at 5:00, and then we were escorted into the auditorium at 5:15. The band was already set up and playing while the technicians did a sound check. Soon, David himself came out and began singing a couple of Christmas tunes, while pausing here and there to ask the techs to make adjustments, like adding a little volume or reverberation.

David Archuleta does a sound check during the meet-and-greet.

After the sound check, there was a question-and-answer session. Many of the questions were about David's experiences as a missionary to Chile several years ago (most of the participants were obviously members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as David is...and as we are). There was also the inevitable, "Why aren't you married yet?" That one always makes him visibly uncomfortable, and he murmured something about having a few heartbreaks before changing the subject.

Up until this time, David hadn't paid any more attention to us than the rest of the group. Then someone asked, "What's your favorite thing about Show Low?" He pointed out that this was his first time in Show Low so he was still getting to know about the town. Then David looked at Sarah and smiled, asking, "Sarah, you're from Show Low, aren't you?" She said she was (she and Chris lived in Show Low for seven years, until they bought their house in Lakeside last year), so he turned back to the crowd and said, "My favorite thing about Show Low is Sarah!"

It was a great moment. Sarah is always a little surprised that he still remembers her name!

David and Sarah before the concert.

Next, it was time for pictures. David greeted Sarah with an open-armed, full-frontal hug. Sarah was proud of herself that, this time, David's presence hadn't rendered her unable to speak. She introduced David to her brother and her dad, and clarified that Jacob was not the brother for whom David had made the short video recording more than two years ago. David said he was wondering if he was finally meeting the Dylan of that experience, so he still remembered it!

The Carters with David Archuleta: Mary, Sarah, David, Jacob, and Mark.

As always, the concert was amazing. Not only does David share his voice in song, but he shares his voice to express learning experiences and struggles and triumphs. During this performance, he spoke about his lifelong struggle with depression and feelings of worthlessness. He shared what he's learned in therapy and how voices in his head still tell him his current success won't last, no one cares, he should give up. It's a struggle that so many of us can relate to, and by sharing our own issues, we not only help ourselves heal, but we touch and lift those around us. That's one of David's great gifts.

David Archuleta performs in his Christmas concert.

One sweet moment came at the end of the concert, after David had come out to perform two encore songs. Beth Loomis, a young lady with Down Syndrome and a former high school classmate of Sarah and Jacob, ran up to the stage with a big sign. I think it said something like "You are my American Idol." David stopped everything to meet her at the edge of the stage and talk to her. In a humorous moment, Beth snatched the microphone right out of his hand and announced into it loudly, "I love you, you are my idol!" (Or words to that effect.) After he leaned forward to give her a big hug, she spun around with a look on her face that said she'd just died and gone to heaven!

David Archuleta performs in his Christmas concert.

After that, David spoke about a recent tragedy that occurred to a local family, which he'd learned of upon arriving in Show Low. Bill and Trudy Rawlings lived not far from me for many years, attending our same ward at church with their sons, Daniel and Jay. Those sons are now grown with families of their own. On Friday of Thanksgiving weekend, Daniel and his wife, four children, and three nieces (Jay's daughters) were crossing a creek bed in a heavy truck on their way home from a holiday wilderness getaway, when they were struck by a flash flood. Three of the children--a 5- and 6-year old brother and sister, and their 6-year-old cousin--were washed away by the force of the waters. Even the truck was buried by the crushing force of the flood. The bodies of the little boy, Colby, and his cousin Austin were recovered the next day about three miles downstream. Sadly, his sister, 6-year-old Willa, has still not been found despite four full days in which hundreds of volunteers have searched tirelessly for her. The search will resume tomorrow.

This has been very tough for Sarah. A few years ago, both Colby and Willa were in Sarah's nursery class at church, so her tender heart is broken. She has a truly Christlike love for all small children, and especially those she has served. We were deeply touched when David Archuleta announced that a portion of the ticket sales and merchandise proceeds will be donated to support the search efforts and the Rawlings family at this tragic time.

As seen from backstage: David touches the hands of fans along the edge of the stage.
Emmi and Sarah are visible directly beyond and below him.

David dedicated his final two encore songs to the Rawlings family and those in the community affected by this tragedy. In a small town like ours, that's pretty much everyone. He started with "My Little Prayer," which he wrote after both the lyrics and the chords came to him in a dream. Then he finished the concert with "O Holy Night." It was a somber but special ending to a wonderful evening.

Thank you for blessing us here in our community, David Archuleta. Last night, YOU were our favorite thing in Show Low!

You can see me and my camera right behind David's "behind"!
As you can see, our seats were front and center.

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