If you think racial profiling is cruel and unfair, just wait until you experience romantic profiling!
It's a lot like designing a page in a Hickory Farms catalog. You try to make your little turkey look more appealing than everyone else's prize hams and filet mignons.
I joined LDS Singles Online back in mid-February. (I know, I know, what was I thinking?) For 6 weeks I was mostly ignored. I revamped my profile with a new message and new pictures three times, but nothing seemed to help. Then I decided to approach things from a completely different direction.
This is what I came up with:
March 2010 - This is me!
Let's be upfront: I'm not gorgeous, thin, popular, athletic, or rich. I don't have a fancy house, a sporty convertible, a high-powered career, or an empty nest. If you have the courage to read on, here's what I do have to offer:
I believe...
True beauty shines from within and looks out through eyes warm with love.
The person we used to be is not nearly as important as who we are now, and who we are now is a mere glimmer of who we may become.
The more we love, the greater our capacity for love becomes.
Any house becomes a home when it's filled with family and the Spirit is a welcome guest.
This life, with all its joys and all its bumps, is meant to be shared.
The strongest relationships are built on mutual trust, open communication, willingness to work together, and reliance on the Lord.
Eternity is a long, long time and ought to be spent with one's best friend.
Motherhood has been the greatest privilege and blessing of my life.
The glory of God is intelligence, and the most important knowledge isn't found in a classroom.
A sense of humor makes even the hardest trials bearable.
Laughter is healthy medicine, but even better: Christ is the cure.
Serving Heavenly Father's children is an honor, and no calling is ever insignificant.
Nature is a gift, meant to increase our good health and our enjoyment of this world.
Sometimes we have to slow down to rediscover ourselves and hear the Spirit speaking to us.
The temple is the most heavenly place on earth.
The Lord sometimes gives us what we want, but He ALWAYS gives us what we need.
Now it's YOUR turn! If any of these thoughts speak to your heart and mind, I'd enjoy exchanging ideas and getting to know you. My door--I mean, message box--is always open!
March 2010 - You crack me up!
So, there you have it! Within 3 days I received more messages than I had in the entire previous six weeks! I'm happy to report I have now "met" some pretty nice guys.
I've learned that when it comes to romance, normally level-headed men and typically romantic women change places. The women become the practical ones, wanting to know if a man is a good provider, a good father, a good member of the church. On the other hand, it seems the men want a woman they can romanticize. Not that the practical things don't matter to them, but being practical is their job. They figure if a woman has a loving heart and lofty ideals, all the rest will follow.
I hope they're right.
First of all, you look darling. Those pictures are perfect. Very cute, sweet, even flirty. I like the way you are looking right on...they say a lot about who you are. And obviously what you wrote is working so it must be good. I like how you say, 'now it's your turn...you are giving the guy something to do. They have something to say to that and respond back. Where as the regular profile guys are left wondering how to approach it all. So I think you did a great job. Now keep us posted on what happens next.
Mary, I LOVE IT!! I don't know if you know it or not, but Andy and I 'met' on that very site.. I was never brave enough to post a picture (and your look fabulous) never the less, I met some real winners, let me tell ya!! NOT.... Until I met Andy. Long,sweet,somewhat bumpy story, but in the end we have been blessed with an eternal family. I wish you all the very best of luck in this new chapter in your life, and his!!! :)
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