On this day 51 years ago, my brother Gerald Lynn was born. On this day 51 years ago, he died just hours before his birth.
There are no pictures of him, of course. They didn't do that back in 1958. In fact, my mother--who carried him for 9 months--never even saw him. They whisked him away as soon as he was delivered. In those days, they thought that would be kinder, easier.
These are my parents soon after their wedding in August 1953. My mom, Jane, was 15 (her 16th birthday was 6 weeks away) and my dad, Myron, was 18 (he was 19 two weeks later).
Would we fall in love and take a risk on marriage and family if we knew what hardships lay ahead? Yet what joys would we miss if we didn't risk all on love?
It must have been hard for my parents to wake up one morning expecting a new baby and then return home that night with empty arms to an empty crib. Especially since my mother had suffered 3 miscarriages before finally carrying this baby to term.
Mom said she woke up on the day of his birth and went into labor. The baby was moving around and all was fine. She went to see her doctor, and while she sat in the waiting room Gerald suddenly stopped moving, never to move again. Mom somehow knew he was gone.
She was only 20 then, very young to bear the broken heart that comes with the loss of a child.
She noted that Gerald Lynn was delivered by Dr. Thomas P. Downey at Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital in Inglewood, Los Angeles County, California. He weighed 5 lbs 10 oz and was 19 inches long.
Then, sadly, she records that it was a stillbirth and Gerald was buried at Inglewood Park Cemetary in Inglewood, CA. The grave was dedicated by a Brother White of the Hawthorne Ward.
One photo showed my mom sitting at the graveside, wearing a short, light-colored jacket and looking solemn. Beside her was the little grave, covered with a mound of beautiful flowers.
I look forward to getting to know you myself someday, little brother. Happy birthday, Gerald.
It was sweet to read this, Mary. How very devastating to your mom and dad...and to you. Even though you don't remember a lot you must have been aware of the tremendous loss at the time.
My grandmother lost her firstborn at 9 months of age to a simple stomach flu. Even during the last days of her life, at age 86, she told me that she never "got over it".
I can't imagine your mom not even getting to see her baby! But I know things were so different then. That is sweet you are remembering him today.
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