Monday, June 15, 2009

Ups and Downs

Sarah and I continue in the Battle of the Bulge. It has been a frustrating week, as our weight fluctuates up and down no matter what we do. Yet the progress continues.

As of Friday, Sarah was down another 4.4 lbs, for a total loss of 11.4 lbs. Go Sarah! I lost 1.4 lbs more, for a total of 21.7 lbs.

Tonight we had our friend Gwen over for dinner and family home evening. Gwen is always fun to be around, and she's like a second mother to my adoring kids.

We enjoyed tacos for dinner (make that taco salad for Sarah and me) and watched a DVD, Evan Almighty. Then we ended the night with sinfully rich homemade strawberry ice cream--mmmmm!

The ice cream was low-carb, but I definitely ate more than I should have. I hope I don't get a nasty surprise when I step on the scales tomorrow morning...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Losing 1.7 is better than what I got. I ate bad over our vacation. Plus sitting in the car for two days caused me to gain about 7 lbs. in water weight. Good job losing another almost 2 pounds.