Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Temptations

Week 5 of my New Years resolution to lose weight and get healthy was less frustrating than week 4. Although there were several highly stressful events during the week, I managed to lose 2.2 lbs. more, for a total of 15.3 lbs. in 5 weeks.
There were temptations, but I stood up to them!
Student Council brought the Love Cart to my classroom on Friday, laden with gooey, crunchy, chocolatey, salty, and sugary stuff. I took a bottled water and reminded the kids how nice it would be if they stocked things like diet soda and nuts.
One boy snapped his fingers: "Wait a minute..." He rummaged around among the boxes of junk food and--voila! He handed me a whole can of mixed nuts! I'm set for afternoon snacks these next couple of weeks!
Aren't high school students great?
That same day, Jacob made himself a deep-dish pizza in culinary arts class. He put it behind my desk so my students wouldn't eat it.
Oooh, the delicious scents wafting from the pizza to my nose! I was salivating all morning.
When Jacob offered me a slice for lunch, I accepted. Did I cheat? No way! I only ate the topping of mozzarella, gouda, chicken, cilantro, and lots of red onion (my favorite). The thick white-flour crust remained untouched. Okay, Jacob ate it--but I didn't!
For now, I'm feeling more confident that I will get the pounds off, even if it takes longer this time. What's the rush? This is not a "diet," but a lifestyle change for many years of better health. That is worth waiting for!

1 comment:

LORI said...